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Meet Nishay Raja '15, Researcher of the Week

Undergraduate researcher in Mechanical Engineering

Meet Nishay:

She is a Mechanical Engineering major, a URA Scholar, and a T-SITE scholar. And Nishay is a strong proponent for women in Engineering. She believes there are not enough women represented in engineering. She aims to change that. In the future, she plans to pursue a Masters in Systems Engineering or join the work force.

How did you find your mentor for your research, scholarship, or artistic project?
Dr. Anne Spence is my faculty mentor as a T-SITE Scholar through the Center for Women In Technology (CWIT) and I was a teaching fellow for Mrs. Jamie Gurganus.

How did you know this was the project you wanted to do?
I knew I wanted to do something related to STEM education. When I found out about Dr. Spence wanting to introduce ENES100 (Spatial Visualization pilot course) at UMBC that could potentially help the retention of engineering students at UMBC in the long run, I knew that this was it.

Posted: May 1, 2015, 9:47 AM