Six Flags Tickets On Sale Until Wednesday!
Off Campus
Date & Time
May 4, 2019, 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
There's still time to get your tickets!
The park will open at 10:30, just in time for you to spend the day hanging out with friends, reconnecting with classmates, and enjoying some amazing spring weather! Lunch will be provided inside the park, and you'll have until 5:00 p.m. to ride roller coasters, play games, and eat as much funnel cake as you can handle!
To sign up, please stop by the Honors College office and register for the trip. The ticket--which covers park admission and meal voucher--is JUST $10.00 and must be purchased with your RED CARD. Please note that the last day to sign up is Wednesday, May 1st. Because this is a HEAVILY discounted event, we cannot accept attendees who are not current Honors College students.
Hope to see you there!