Gingerbread House Decorating!
Library and Gallery, Albin O. Kuhn : Honors Seminar Room
Date & Time
December 14, 2022, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Peppermints, Frosting, and Gumdrops Galore!!
Join us for Gingerbread Fun and Much More 🙂
Take a break from exam review as HCC invites you to come decorate Gingerbread Houses with us on Reading Day, December 14th from 12 pm to 2 pm in Honors College Seminar Room 216 (AOK library). I hear there might be a prize for the best decorating 😉
There will also be hot chocolate, warm spiced cider, and wintery treats!
Please RSVP as spots are limited!
Hope we see you there!