Join Us for Renn Fest! Saturday, Sept. 24
Off Campus
Date & Time
September 24, 2022, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Hey Honors Folks!
Join us on Saturday, September 24, for a day at one of our state's best-loved outdoor events: the Maryland Renaissance Festival!
You don't have to be a Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings aficionado to enjoy the jousting, archery, juggling, music, dance, arts and crafts, food (turkey leg, anyone?), and other sorts of merriment on offer.
Our trip coincides with the Myth and Magic weekend at the Festival, so feel free to dress up accordingly. (Dressing like your 21st century self is fine, too...We're going to dress like Honors College staff members Lol.)
Departure is 9:15 AM SHARP from PAHB, and we will leave the festival by 4:00 PM to be back on campus at 5.
You can reserve your ticket in the Honors College Monday through Wednesday (this week and next), from 9:00 AM -3:45 PM; tickets cost $10 and must be purchased using cash on your UMBC ID Card.
Tickets are going to sell fast, so get thee to the Honors College!